SEED (formerly Everyday Dances) invests in the San Diego creative economy by commissioning new short-form works from local choreographers to be staged on Malashock Dance’s professional company of dancers and presented in a mixed bill performance in the Malashock Black Box Studio Theater. Malashock Dance produces the annual SEED concert as part of our mission to illuminate dance as an invaluable part of the human experience, fostering a hub where artists come together to create new work and connect with audiences. Our vision is to engage the community in discovering the wide variety of San Diego-based dance artists who are poised to share their creative voices; demonstrate leadership; and fulfill their artistic vision in collaboration with Malashock Dance & Company.

Malashock Dance will commission up to six choreographers based in the San Diego region. In alignment with our values of passion, excellence, equity, and inclusivity, Malashock Dance is committed to uplifting artistic voices that reflect our diverse San Diego community. 



When and Where

Performances will take place April 2-6, 2025 in the Malashock Black Box Studio Theater in the Dorothea Laub Dance Place in Liberty Station.

Project Timeline

Applications open: Aug 1, 2024

Applications and and work samples are due: Sep 8, 2024

Applications reviewed and responses sent by: Oct 1, 2024

Rehearsal period: February 1 and March 29, 2025

Technical rehearsals: March 30, 31, April 1

Performance dates/times: April 2-6, 2025 

Scope of Work and Terms 

  • Choreographers will create original works between five and eight minutes in length on members of the Malashock Dance Company. Ensemble works will be considered but preferred cast size will range from one to four dancers. 
  • Each selected choreographer will receive a $1,000 commissioning fee.
  • Choreographers will be given approximately 16 hours of rehearsal time with their cast of Malashock dancers.
  • In addition to the studio rehearsals, Choreographers will also be asked to attend a run through of the full show, a production meeting with the lighting designer and stage manager, a technical rehearsal, and some of the performances. 
  • Choreographers should plan on using recorded audio scores to accompany their dances.
  • Malashock Dance will be responsible for paying the company dancers, providing a lighting designer, stage manager and costume support. 
  • Malashock Dance will be responsible for media/PR, marketing and advertising. 
  • Malashock Dance will provide professional video and photo documentation of the works.
  • Malashock Dance’s Black Box Theater at Liberty Station has limited technical capabilities. Basic lighting and audio support  are provided. Projections and large scenic elements are not possible in this space.
  • As SEED is for local San Diego choreographers, travel and accommodations are not provided. 

Rehearsal Period

Rehearsals will take place at the Malashock Dance studios in Liberty Station between February 1 and March 29, 2025. 

All rehearsals will take place during the regular Malashock rehearsal schedule. Choreographers will need to be able to rehearse during Malashock Dance Company rehearsal hours:

  • Mondays between 11:45 am and 3:30pm
  • Wednesdays between 11:45 am and 3:30pm
  • Saturdays between 12:15 and 4:30pm 


  • Malashock Dance is looking to work with choreographers of varied perspectives and experiences and who can demonstrate choreographic experience that is appropriate for the professional company’s production. Given the limited amount of rehearsal time, strong applications will include clear ideas that can be reasonably executed in the amount of time allotted. 
  • Choreographers must be able to provide proof to legally work in the United States.
  • Choreographers must be residents of the greater San Diego area. 
  • Choreographers who created work for Everyday Dances II and III are not eligible for this round however artists who made work for Everyday Dance I are eligible to apply.

For your application you will need to submit the following: 

  • CV and/or Resumé
  • A brief description of the work you would like to create for SEED.  Your description might include your source of inspiration, music ideas, potential cast size, and why you would like to participate in this project.
  • A brief statement about your artistic philosophy and process. This might include describing what inspires your work, recurring themes in your body of work, who you make work for, and/or what your creative process entails.
  • Two work samples of your choreography that represent your aesthetic and artistic interests. 
    • Please provide information about the work samples including title, date created, and where it was performed.
    • Work samples from 2021 to the present are preferred.
    • No more than five minutes of any work sample will be viewed and evaluated. 


Decision-making Process

A panel of dance community representatives will be convened to evaluate applications and view work samples. Based on the criteria below, the panel will make recommendations to the Artistic Director for a program that offers a balance of artistic range and diversity.


  • Representation of a variety of races, ethnicities, ages, genders, experiences
  • Choreographers who have historically experienced a lack of financial support or in-kind resources to produce their own work
  • Work samples include a clear and distinct choreographic style
  • Work samples demonstrate a level of complexity and depth that express a clear and authentic choreographic point of view
  • Work samples demonstrate an ability to compose visually stimulating work
  • Provides a compelling artist statement that defines their point of view as a dancemaker
  • Proposal includes a description of work that demonstrates a realistic product that aligns with the performance space and limited technical support/equipment